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Rebuilding Together* Metro Chicago Rallies 3,500 Volunteers on National Rebuilding Day – April 26, 2014

70 Chicago-Area Homes, 3 Nonprofits Receive Major Renovations

Rebuilding Together Metro ChicagoFor many homeowners, making household repairs can be a daunting and cost-prohibitive task. In addition to searching for and securing a qualified contractor, this process may include several weeks when a home may be somewhat uninhabitable. However, in celebration of National Rebuilding Day – April 26, 2014 – more than 3,500 volunteers will apply a days-worth of elbow grease to make major repairs in 70 homes, three nonprofit facilities and one landscape area in Chicago’s West Englewood neighborhood and the Cook County suburb of Riverdale, Illinois.

Dispatched by Rebuilding Together* Metro Chicago, volunteers – representing more than 100 corporations, skilled labor unions and service organizations – will paint, re-route electricity, and provide plumbing and carpentry repairs in just one day. Rebuilding Together is the nation’s leading nonprofit working to preserve affordable homeownership and revitalize communities. This year, more than 10,000 houses and non-profit facilities across the nation will be painted, repaired, weatherized and revitalized by over 200,000 volunteers.

Since its inception in 1991, Rebuilding Together* Metro Chicago has cumulatively worked in over 1,200 homes in the Chicagoland area. This year’s sponsor list includes Starbucks Coffee Company, Takeda, Siemens, TransUnion, Power Construction, Walsh Construction, MWH, Northern Trust and Peoples Gas, among others. Additional support is provided by labor unions such as the IBEW Local 134, the Chicago Journeyman Plumbers Local 130, and the Chicago and Northeast District Council of Carpenters – who have all contributed greatly to the success of this year’s neighborhood upgrades.

For more information or to support Rebuilding Together* Metro Chicago, call 312/201-1188 or visit www.rebuildingtogether-chi.com.

Rebuilding Together* Metro Chicago works to make a sustainable impact in partnership with the communities where volunteers serve, while improving the homes and neighborhoods of elderly, disabled and low-income residents so that they may continue to live in warmth, safety and comfort.

*An affiliate of the nation’s largest volunteer organization preserving and revitalizing low-income houses and communities.

Sponsors Include:

Allsteel Gilbane Building Company
Amberleaf Cabinetry Governors State University
American Airlines Grace Lutheran Church of LaGrange
American Institute of Architects (AIA) Hinsdale United Methodist Church
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Honeywell Hometown Solutions
AmeriCorps Alums Chicago Independent Recycling Services, Inc.
The Apple Group International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 134
Architecture for Humanity-Chicago International Interior Design Association (IIDA)
Arquitectos-The Society of Hispanic Professional Architects Kennedy King College
Associated Bank Kovitz Investment Group, LLC
BearCom Lend Lease (US) Construction, Inc.
Best Sanitation Services Leo Burnett
C.J. Erickson Plumbing Co. Littelfuse, Inc.
Cannon Design LMCC/Chicago
Chicago and Northeast District Council of Carpenters Lowe’s
Chicago Community Mennonite Church Loyola Stritch School of Medicine
Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union 130 UA Madison Construction
Chicago Sinai Congregation Meredith Corporation
Cintas MWH
City of Chicago The Northern Trust Company
City of Chicago Department of Buildings Opus Foundation
City of Chicago Department of Planning and Development The Opus Group
City of Chicago Department of Streets & Sanitation Order of Malta
City of Chicago Office of the Mayor Our Lady of the Woods Church
Clark Construction Group, LLC Painters and Tapers Local #147
Clune Construction Company Peoples Gas
CNA Foundation Power Construction Company, LLC
Command Transportation Primera Engineers, Ltd.
Connie’s Pizza Professional Decorating & Painting, Inc.
Cook County Propaganda
Cook County Bureau of Economic Development R 4 Services, Inc.
Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways Resurrection Convenant Church
Cook County Facilities Management Schiff Hardin LLP
Cook County Office of Capital Planning and Policy Scientific Home Services Ltd.
Courtney’s Friends Siemens
Crate and Barrel South Shore Plumbing and Heating
E Jeff Robertson St. Giles Parish
E.J. Brownlee Transportation, Inc. Starbucks Coffee Company
Fertile Ltd. Takeda
First Congregational Church of Glen Ellyn TransUnion LLC
First Congregational Church of Western Springs Turner Construction Company
Forest Preserve District of Cook County U.S. Bank
Fortune Brands Home & Security University of Chicago – Facilities Services
Freeborn & Peters LLP University of Illinois at Chicago
Friends of Tom O’ Brien Walsh Construction
Gensler WiGiv
George Sollitt Construction Company Windy City Women’s Charity Club


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